Jeopardy & Strategy for Crypto First-time Investors


Investing could be an exciting way to build money and safeguard your financial future. However, first-time investors frequently make identical mistakes that might jeopardize their success. Therefore, before attempting to choose crypto assets, first-time investors should be aware of the following typical blunders.

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Just Jumping in

Don’t Invest Money You Can’t Afford to Lose

Putting all of your eggs in one basket

The leverage


Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)

Buy & Hold

Just Jumping in

In principle, investing is fairly simple: buy low and sell high. In practice, though, you must understand what “low” and “high” represent.

You can see how opposite conclusions may be taken from the same information as what is “high” to the seller is regarded “low” (enough) to the buyer in each transaction. Given the relative character of the market, understanding is crucial before participating.

It is essential to study the fundamental measures, such as book value and dividend yield to benefit greatly from understanding how these measures are generated, where their main weaknesses are, and where they have typically been for an asset and its realm over time.

Don’t Invest Money You Can’t Afford to Lose

Whether you are a trader or a buy-and-hold investor, investing is a long-term enterprise. To continue in business, you must keep money on hand for both unforeseen circumstances and profitable chances.

Although studies have shown that investing money in the market in larger amounts rather than smaller amounts often results in a superior overall return, this does not suggest you should invest your whole retirement fund at once.

Although studies have shown that investing money in the market in larger amounts rather than smaller amounts often results in a superior overall return, this does not suggest you should invest your whole retirement fund at once.

Putting all of your eggs in one basket

It’s generally not a smart idea to put all of your money into one investment, even if it is in commodities futures, forex, or bonds. Even the finest businesses can have problems and experience sharp drops in their stock prices.

Investors who choose to ignore diversification run a lot more risk, but there is also a lot more potential reward. It’s wise to purchase at least a few stocks, especially if you’re a newbie investor. Lessons picked up along the road are less expensive but nonetheless beneficial in this way. 

The leverage

By utilizing a margin, you may leverage your funds by purchasing more shares than you can afford. Leverage makes an investment’s gains and losses more pronounced.

Consider the scenario where you have $100 and borrow $50 to purchase $150 worth of a token or coin. if the asset climbs 10% You get $15, or a 15% return on your capital. However, you lose $15, or 15% of your investment, if the stock falls 10%. More crucially, if the asset rises by 50%, you will have earned a 75% return. However, if the stock falls 50%, you will lose all the money you borrowed and some of your capital.

Other than borrowing money, there are other types of leverage, such as options, which have a limited downside or may be managed by deploying precise limit orders. However, they are sophisticated instruments that should be used only when you thoroughly understand the market.

Learning to handle the amount of capital at risk takes practice, and until an investor masters that control, leverage should be used cautiously if at all chosen.


Investing based on chasing news is a horrible idea for novice investors, whether they are attempting to predict what will be the next “Bitcoin,” making a hasty investment in a “hot” stock tip, or betting everything on a rumor of profits that will rock the financial world. Investors face competition from reputable companies that not only obtain information as soon as it is made accessible but also have the expertise to correctly assess it and take appropriate action.

The best initial investments are in business models you are familiar with and have seen developmental progress within, not in hearsay. In the same way that you wouldn’t keep placing bets on black in a casino, you shouldn’t do the investing equivalent.

On the other hand, good strategies can be followed to ensure the best-investing experience especially if you are there for the first time, as even experienced investors might fall short as well, in order to mitigate the risks that you can be exposed to, here are a couple of strategies that can be pursued and utilized.

Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)

Dollar-cost averaging is an investing strategy where the buyer spreads out their purchases across time to reduce the impact of market timing on the final price paid. Regardless of price, DCA entails consistently investing the same sum of money in a target investment over a certain period of time. Investors may lower their average cost per share and lessen the impact of volatility on their portfolios by employing the dollar-cost averaging (DCA) strategy.

This tactic effectively reduces the effort needed to try to time the market to buy at the best prices; investors purchase regularly in both up and down markets, accumulating more shares at lower prices and fewer shares at higher values which prevents them from unwise decisions made out of greed or fear, such as purchasing more when prices are increasing or selling in a panic when prices are falling. Dollar-cost averaging, on the other hand, compels investors to concentrate on making a specific amount of contributions every period while ignoring the price of the target investment.

For example, instead of buying a crypto asset with a specific price at a lump sum of 500$ once paid in bulk, you divide your investment total into 5 entries with 100$ every week on Sunday for 5 weeks, so you can get the best out of the dips and raises that the asset shares will go through and over the time it will be obvious that you bought more shares than what you were about to get from your bulk investment. More shares mean more future profits but only if you follow the next step…

Buy & Hold

Buy and hold is a long-term passive investment strategy in which investors maintain a portfolio that is largely steady over time, despite short-term swings.

As long as you choose your investment wisely based on the business model, industry, and vision of the enterprise, you take partial ownership of a project.

Shareholders, who understand that transformation takes time rather than treating ownership as a short-time approach to profiting, choose to stick with their selected assets over time rather than buying and selling shares through bull and bear markets and this is precisely what “buy and hold” strategy means; which is beneficial for investors holding over long periods and are more likely to get exponential gains and not only some bites.

One of the best examples in this regard is “Bitcoin” and the historical profits people made with their long-term investments. Only those who had the knowledge and patience to understand that changes need time were real “HODLers” and are now millionaires.

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